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___/8-Bit MUSH\____________________________________________________________
   ----      ---- Ý Name: Cimorene       Alias: Cim            Sex: F
ÞÝ   ((((      )))) Ý Ý Last Connected: Sat May 04 08:08:22 2024(126d 10h)
ÞÝ  /    \    /     Ý Ý Location: Cim City                                
ÞÝ  \_()/    \_() Ý Ý Connection Time: 674d 3h 35m 30s(#33)
ÞÝ          :       Ý Ý Money: 44100 Coins(3.6% #6)
ÞÝ           ;      Ý Ý Birthday: October 24, 2001 Age: 8354d 5h 15m 34s
ÞÝ          -       Ý Ý WWW:                                             
ÞÝ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Ý Ý MWW:                                             
ÞÝ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Ý Ý Properties: 3 Res, 2 Comm (52029į)
ÞÝ  °°°°°°°°°°°°°°  Ý Ý Company: Cim City Inc.
ÞÝ   °°°°°°°°°°°°   Ý Ý Married: mr.bear
------File Photo------- 
 Misc: Yep, that's me in that picture up there. I'm being bound and gagged by
various sadistic neanderthals bent on world destruction. MRRAAAAAAARRR