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___/8-Bit MUSH\____________________________________________________________
     ßßß ßßß ßßß        Name: Sam            Alias: Sami           Sex: M
   ß ßÜßßß ßÜÜÜß ß      Last Connected: Tue Mar 04 15:59:57 2025(7d 17h)
  ß   ÜÜ        ß ß     Location: Sam's House                             
     ß   ß ß   ß        Connection Time: 997d 1h 4m 24s(#26)
  ÜÜß           ßßÜ     Money: 12404 Coins(1% #21)
   Ü Ü   Ü Ü   Ü Ü      Birthday: January 07, 2012 Age: 4812d 22h 22m 39s
 Ü  Üßßß     ßßßÜ  Ü    WWW:                                             
  Ü   Üßß   ßßÜ  ß      MWW: mww.Sam.com                                 
   Ü ßßßßßßßßßßß Ü      Properties: 2 Res, 2 Comm (19410į)
                        Company: ChipTune Co.
                        Married: Sequoia
------File Photo------- 
 Misc: I run ChipTune Co., a company that makes musical devices, songs, and
much more!
 Coins: Looking at the default configuration of pennmush got me thinking on
how coins are used creatively... Coins are used to make rooms, exits,
objects, run code (queue costs) and that's really it. that's where the coins
go into. Stocks do not count. Use your coins for creativity.
 Companies: No, you don't need one. You can make products and make money without.
 Dbrefhoarding: If you are not going to use them why bother collecting 'good' dbrefs?
But I guess it's odd of me to call out the hoarders when dbrefs don't matter
too much... Like I can see how easy to remember dbrefs are used for tel_ok
rooms to jump to but really, you just need to get a good teleporter that will
save locations and there are atleast 3 good teleporter models in the MUSH.
 Gambling: The reason why Y&Q is so big in my opinion. I think that they would be
big otherwise but just not this big... It's a huge margin at the moment I
write this. I also cannot find myself wanting to gamble for extra money with
the more likely chance of losing my money. It just doesn't compute for me.
 Misc: This is my +finger. This is where I hide rants for others to read. I
also have some funny quotes saved on my quote object (#9779).
 Mushmarriage: My MUSHmarriage has been on the rocks ever since I got MUSHmarried.
 Quotes: look #9779 to see some quotes because everyone's +finger needs quotes.