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___/8-Bit MUSH\____________________________________________________________
                        Name: Sassafras      Alias: sass           Sex: M
      Ü     Ü Ü         Last Connected: Mon Mar 29 10:18:38 2021(1408d 17h)
       ßÜÜ ßÜ  Ü        Location: Central Park                            
      ß  ßß ß           Connection Time: 350d 0h 55m 31s(#58)
        ßÜ ßÜÜ          Money: 10112 Coins(0.8% #24)
      ßÜÜßßß     Üßß    Birthday: April 20, 2012 Age: 4673d 18h 34m 33s
     Ü  ß ßÜÜ  Ü  ßÜ    WWW: http://ansiart.com/mww.lukevolk.com         
        Üß       ßßß    MWW:                                             
    ßÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ ß  ßÜ  Properties: 3 Res (10309į)
       ßßßßßßßß    Ü ß  Company: Block Enix
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 Fansite: http://gudagi.com/main/WhyIHateSassafras.html

 Quote: <Public> Volks are Nice Folks (tm) Luigi_Volk says, "Sass loves great
sci-fi books with imaginative storylines and fantastic "what if" scenarios
that really make you sit and ponder the possibilites bounded only by the
depth of your imagination. Stuff like The Very Hungry Caterpillar."
 Quote2: <Public> "The Mein Kampf of our era": @tel #1313,14,select the ongoing
Luigi says, "I guess dating Meesh isn't enough for you to smile. You need...
something more. And so you begin to wander. And as she cries alone at night,
wondering what she did wrong, you too feel an aching emptiness in your
 Quote3: <Public> SpamBot says, "It suggests that we need JANSI support."
 Quote4: <Public> HALP Sassafras says, "218"
<Public> Locke says, "219"
<Public> SpamBot says, "Locke: Too high."
<Public> SpamBot says, "Sassafras: Too low."
 Quote5: <Public> patent pending superJoe says, "holy christ mother of a bald
<Public> NINA PROMISED ME PRIME RIB Luigi says, "That font is ugly. No wonder
we won WW2."
<Public> patent pending superJoe says, "i didn't bleed for the stars and
stripes so some nancy can go trotting around in a fancy jap font"
 Quote6: <Public> Locke says, "damnit out bid"
<Public> Locke says, "well that saved me $80"
<Public> this chantitle is blue. Stinkoman says, "locke didn't win his ebay
bid for majority share in pixar. :("
<Public> Locke says, "no i was bidding on a ps2 w/ 8 games 2 controllers"
 Quote7: <Public> OHMAgOOdnESiLoVeBURTsOfREakIN'MuCH superSass says, "Luigi, my
finger says #-1 String Is Unsafe"
<Public> OHMAgOOdnESiLoVeBURTsOfREakIN'MuCH superSass says, "Am I hacking?"
<Public> WHERE IS BURT Phil_Laco says, "HACKFRAS"
 Quote8: <Public> Hip to be Sam says, "Sass is spamming <Spam>."
<Public> Hip to be Sam hi5s Sass.
<Public> Locke says, "STFU"
<Public> NINA PROMISED ME PRIME RIB Luigi fires a pistol shot into the air
<Public> Locke says, "Luigi"
<Public> NINA PROMISED ME PRIME RIB Luigi says, "Locked Key"
<Public> Locke says, "Sass is repeatedly spamming on spam"
<Public> NINA PROMISED ME PRIME RIB Luigi says, "That dirty Canadian"
 Quote9: <Public> SpamBot says, "Are you still "Pondering Hmm", Sam?"
<Public> Now Pulp-Free! Sam says, "No"
<Public> SpamBot says, "What are you doing then, Sam?"
<Public> Now Pulp-Free! Sam says, "Listening to Sass' music at gun-point."
<Public> SpamBot says, "Why are you doing that, Sam?"
<Public> Now Pulp-Free! Sam says, "There's a P38 barrel against the back of
my head."
<Public> SpamBot says, "I wish I was Listening to Sass' music at gun-point
like Sam is."
<Public> Now Pulp-Free! Sam says, "No you don't."
 Stinkoquoteoftheday: <Public> SAKES ALIVE stinkoman purrs like a sexy tennis ball