___/8-Bit MUSH\____________________________________________________________
Name: Sir_Pyro Alias: pyro Sex: M
Last Connected: Tue Feb 03 13:38:29 2009(5862d 20h)
Location: Sir_Pyro's Land
Connection Time: 308d 22h 45m 52s(#64)
Money: 250 Coins(0% #203)
Birthday: October 30, 2001 Age: 8515d 20h 33m 23s
/ WWW:
ùù / MWW:
ÜÜÜÜ/ Properties: 1 Res, 2 Comm (1959į)
Company: Unemployed
------File Photo-------
Misc: I'm the local MUSH terrorist!
Best Dbref: #777 #1999 And a few more I dont know of right now.
Products: Linezooka spam cannons (15-30 coins). Mail me if you want one.